CLCSS Scheme
The purpose of the Scheme is to facilitate technology up-gradation in MSMEs by providing an upfront capital subsidy of 15 percent (on institutional finance of up to Rs 1 crore assist by them) for induction of well-established and improved technology in the specified 51 sub-sectors/products approved. In other words, the major purpose is to enhance their plant & machinery with futuristic technology, with or without evolution, and also for new MSMEs which have set up their facilities with suitable and proven technology duly approved under scheme guidelines. The revised scheme aims to accelerate technology customize by providing a 15% upfront capital subsidy to MSEs, including tiny, khadi, village, and coir industrial units, on institutional finance availed by them for the inauguration of well-established and improved automation in specified sub-sectors/products approved under the scheme.
Technology And Quality Upgradation (TEQUP) Scheme:
This scheme is executed by the Ministry of MSMEs for energy efficient technology for technology and quality up-gradation support to MSMEs under the scheme of Technology and Quality up-gradation support to MSMEs. This is one of the parts of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP). The main objective of the scheme is to animate Indian MSMEs to upgrade their manufacturing processes towards the usage of Energy Efficient Technologies (EET). The Bank is nominated by the Ministry of MSMEs as one of the implementing agencies for the said scheme. The Government of India will provide financial support to the extent of 25% of the project cost, for the execution of Energy Efficient Technologies (Energy saving minimum of 15%) as per the approved Detailed Project Report (DPR) subject to a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs per project.
Extension Of Financial Assistance To Coir Units In The Brown Fibre Sector-Eligibility
Coir Units desiring to avail of the assistance under the scheme should be registered with the Coir Board under the Coir Industry (R&L) Rules 1958 and with the Industries Department of the State in which the Unit is located. Assistance under the scheme will be extended only to units outside the cooperative fold. The Units for extraction of coir fibre / spinning of coir yarn should be in areas with adequate availability of coconut husk / coir fibre.
Amount or percentage of subsidy: The rate of financial assistance under the scheme is 25% of the cost of equipment and infrastructural facilities subject to certain ceiling limits based on the type of unit
Scheme For Extension Of Financial Assistance For Generator Set / Diesel Engine
Coir Unit’s desire to avail the assistance under the scheme should be registered with the Coir Board under the Coir Industry (R&L) Rules 1958 and with the Industries Department of the State in which the Unit is located. Assistance under the measure will be extended only to units outside the mutual fold. The Units for extraction of coir fiber/spinning of coir yarn should be in areas with sufficient availability of coconut husk/coir fiber.
Amount or percentage of subsidy: The rate of financial assistance under the scheme is 25% of the cost of equipment and infrastructural facilities subject to certain ceiling limits based on the type of unit
Eligibility: The units which assure the following are only entitled to a subsidy under the scheme.
The unit should have a valid registration with the Coir Board under the Coir Industry (R & L) Rules ,1958.
The unit should produce a No Objection Certificate from the State Electricity Board for installation of generator set as per rules in the State concerned.
The volume of the generator set should be subject to the requirement of the unit as described in the registration certificate.
A three-phase power supply should be available in the unit
The unit should obtain a clearance to the proposal in advance from the Regional Officer of the Coir Board concerned to the State.
The application for generator subsidy should be recommended by the General Manager, DIC.
Amount or Percentage of subsidy: The quantum of subsidy for one unit will be 25% of the cost of generator set subject to a maximum of 50000/-. This will be a onetime financial assistance and will be granted based on expenditure incurred by the unit.
Marketing Assistance Scheme By NSIC
The marketing assistance scheme aids with the following activities
Organizing presentations abroad and participating in international exhibitions/ trade fairs.
Co-sponsoring of showing presentations organized by other organizations/industry associations/ agencies.
Organizing buyer-seller meets, vigorous campaigns, and marketing promotion activities
Eligibility: MSMEs, Industry Associations and other organisations related to MSME sector are eligible to apply.
Amount or percentage of subsidy: The maximum net budgetary support for participating in an international exhibition/trade fair would normally be restricted to an overall ceiling of Rs. 30 lakh per event (Rs. 40 lakhs for Latin American countries).
The budget for organizing the Domestic Exhibitions/Trade Fair would depend upon the various elements of the expenditure, i.e. lease including construction and fabricating charges, theme pavilion, advertisement, printing material, transportation, etc. However, the monetary support towards net expenditure for organizing such an exhibition/trade fair would normally be restricted to a maximum amount of Rs. 45 lakhs. The monetary limit for participation in an exhibition/trade fair will be Rs. 15 lakhs.
Financial assistance will be provided ranging varying from 25% to 95% of the Airfare and space rent to entrepreneurs based on the size and type of the enterprise. Financial assistance for sponsoring an event would be entitled to 40% of the net expenditure, concerning a maximum amount of 5 lakh.
CLCSS Scheme
It is associated with a credit-linked subsidy scheme for setting up coir units with project costs up to Rs.10 lakhs plus one cycle of working capital, which shall not exceed 25% of the project cost. Working capital will not be taken into consideration for subsidies.
The main purpose of this scheme is to provide a sustainable outcome to the coir industry, and it is under the ministry of MSMEs.
Eligibility: Individuals, Companies, Self Help Groups, Non-Regulatory Organizations, Institutions registered under Societies Registration Act 1860, Production Co-operative Societies, Joint Liability Groups, and Charitable Trust
Amount or Percentage of subsidy: Maximum admissible cost of the project is 10 lakhs plus working capital, which shall not exceed 25% of the project cost. The banks shall consider a compound loan instead of a term loan victual to the working capital requirements also. The aggregate value of taxable services rendered shall not exceed Rs. 10 Lakhs during the previous financial year. However, the subsidy will be computed excluding the working capital element
- Beneficiary’s contribution- 5% of the project cost
- Bank credit Rate
- 55% Rate of Subsidy- 40% of the project