TAN Registration
TAN stands for Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number which is governed by the Income Tax Department. It is a unique 10 digit alphanumeric number. TAN gives an identity to an individual or any tax collector or deductor.

About TAN
The provisions of section 203A of the Income-tax Act require all persons who deduct or collect tax at source to apply for the allotment of a TAN. This section also makes it mandatory for TAN to be quoted in all TDS/TCS returns, all TDS/TCS payment challans and all TDS/TCS certificates to be issued. Failure to apply for TAN or comply with any of the other provisions of the section attracts a penalty of Rs. 10,000. You can apply for TAN in two ways, Offline and Online. Online application for TAN can be made from the website of NSDL TIN website. In offline mode an application for allotment of TAN is to be filed in Form 49B and submitted at any of the TIN Facilitation Centres meant for receipt of e-TDS returns. The application form can be downloaded from the website of the Income Tax Department.
Benefits Of TAN Registration
- Deductor can easily receive communication from the Income Tax Department regarding Tax collected at source (TCS) and Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) from the database of updated active TAN details
- Every deductor will have authenticated login area.
- Reconciliation of tax deducted at source (TDS) to TAN holder with regards to Section 200A.
- Deductors will also have below previsions or benefits to download the latest Input file (FVU) for the purpose of preparing correction statement and check the challan status online.
- The deductor can receive a statement showing the status of tax deducted at source (TDS)
- eductor can easily upload e-TDS returns online
No documents are required to be submitted along with application for allotment of TAN. However, for online application, the signed acknowledgment which is generated after filling up the form is to be forwarded to NSDL.